Thursday, July 9, 2009

well-baby checks always turn into baby not so well

Well-baby checks....who invented them?  And while we are on that subject, who invented giving more tiny little helpless babies shots?  It's the most horrible thing in the world to watch, and I stood there, utterly useless, nothing in my mommy powers could make the shots not hurt my poor little chunkers.  He was just lying there, happy as can be, until the nurse shoved not one, not two, but three large needles into his tiny little thighs.  The first thing he did was to look at me completely shocked, like "why are you letting them do this to me, mommy?"  And then burst into tears.   I felt horrible.  But it was over just as fast as it started, and I'm sure by now the only reminder he has of the horrific event is a sore muscle in his leg from the tetanus shot. My poor, little pumpkin :(

The good news from the appointment is that he is now 24 inches long and weighs 13 pounds.  He is in the 75th percentile for his height, weight, and head circumference.  And I did manage to remember all the questions I had for the doctor,  and I left there feeling reassured.  I just hope that my colicky little guy doesn't have a rough night tonight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops, I accidently deleted the other post.
    I hope he feels okay. Shots are no fun on Mommy or baby. Hopefully you both get a good nights sleep after a rough day!
