Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bend Trip

We got the chance to get away for the weekend and go out to Bend. Shane got a hook-up from one of his friends and we only had to pay 25 dollars a night to stay in this awesome condo at the Mt. Bachelor Village Resort.
We got there late Friday night, and we went to the restaurant right next to the condo for some dinner. It was a little upperclass for our taste and had a really small menu, but we had to eat somewhere. We settled in for the night with the boys in the one bedroom, Wyatt in the huge bed and Max in the pack 'n' play next to the bed. Meanwhile Shane and I got the pleasure of sleeping on the pull-out couch/bed in the living room, which turned out to be probably the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept on. The things you will do to keep your kids in some sort of routine or keep it how it is at home. The boys slept good, tho.
The next morning, I had brought stuff to make breakfast, so we had some bacon and eggs in our condo. Then we set out to explore Bend. Shane wanted to look at some mountain bike trails, since the reason we had set up the trip in the first place was for a No Mud ride through Windell's that ended up getting canceled (I wasn't not mad about that at all, the whole weekend was spent as a family and I think we needed that). Then we went over to the Old Mill Creek Drive to some shops over there and ended up buying some warmer sweatshirts for Shane and I and some gloves for the boys, since it was a lot colder in Bend than we had anticipated. After shopping for awhile, we ate some lunch and headed back to the condo to let the boys take a nap. Shane left to go ride some trails, and I worked on a puzzle and enjoyed the peace and quiet with no chores around me that were screaming to be done.
That night we went to a cool little brewery for dinner and had some burgers, then we went to the athletic club next to the condo that we had free access to, and took the boys swimming, which they absolutely loved. When we went to bed that night it was totally clear out and beautiful.
The next morning, Shane had planned on waking up really early and going riding before the boys woke up, but to his surprise and mine, we woke up to a bed of three inches of snow outside our condo.
We went out for breakfast and the blizzard continued, the snow was really coming down. We swung by Fred Meyer's and grabbed a sled for the boys and then went back to the condo to let the boys play in the snow. We pulled both Wyatt and Max around on the sled for a little bit, but it was definitely snowing a lot, so we decided to head back home a little early so we wouldn't get stuck in any bad weather on the way back.
All in all, it was a great family vacation, and we all had a lot of fun. Yay for family trips!!

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